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Yi-Ying Chang


Yi-Ying Chang
Distinguished Professor

Office:  MA-Building 517
Lab:  Real World, T2-410
Office hours: Please make an appointment first
Phone: 886-2-2737-6507
E-mail:  y.chang@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Education: PhD in Loughborough University, UK
Research:  Cross-Culture Marketing Management Research,Language Text Analysis,Artificial Intelligence,Quantitative Analysis,Qualitative Reseasrch,Big Data Analysis, International Human Resource Management, Emerging Economies, Advanced Economies, Knowledge Transfer within Multinational Corporations, Country of Origin Effect, Contextual and Process Ambidexterity
Courses:  Cross-Culture Marketing Management Research,Language Text Analysis,Artificial Intelligence,Quantitative Analysis,Qualitative Reseasrch,Big Data Analysis,Introduction to International Business, International Human Resource Management
  Journal Papers
2021 Yu-Chung Tsao, THANH VO VAN, Yi-Ying Chang (2021 accepted), COVID-19: Government subsidy models for sustainable energy supply with disruption risks , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI, Impact factor 2021=12.1, JCR=Q1)
2021 Chang, Y.Y., Hughes, P., Hodgkinson, I., Chang, Che-Yuan., Seih, Yitai. (2021)(accepted). The antecedents of corporate entrepreneurship: multilevel, multisource evidence, Review of Managerial Science, (SSCI, Impact Factor: 3.097).
2020 Yi-Ying Chang, Che-Yuan Chang, Yang Cheng Kuang Chen, Yi-Tai Seih, Shu-Ying Chang. Participative leadership and unit performance: Evidence for intermediate linkages, Knowledge Management Research & Practice (SSCI, 42/89 in Information Science & Library Science category)
2020 Mathew Hughes, Yi-Ying Chang, Ian Hodgkinson, Paul Hughes, Che-Yuan Chang. The multilevel effects of firm entrepreneurial orientation on business unit radical innovation and financial performance Long Range Planning (SSCI)
2019 Junni, P.*, Chang, Y.Y.*, Sarala, R. Ambidextrous orientation and performance in corporate venture units: A multilevel analysis of CV units in emerging market multinationals The first two authors contributed equally. Long Range Planning (SSCI)
2019 Chang, Y.Y., Mom, T, Jansen, J.J.J.P, Cholakova, M.N. A multilevel integrated framework of firm HR practices, individual ambidexterity and organizational ambidexterity. Journal of Management (SSCI)
2019 Mathew Hughes, Yi-Ying Chang, Ian Hodgkinson, Paul Hughes, Che-Yuan Chang. The multi-level effects of corporate entrepreneurial orientation on business unit radical innovation Academy of Management Proceedings
2019 Chung-wen Chen, Hsiu-Huei Yu, Kristine Velasquez Tuliao, Aditya & Yi-Ying Chang. Supervisors’ value orientations and ethics: A cross-national analysis. Journal of Business Ethics (SSCI)
2019 Yi-Ying Chang, Che-Yuan Chang, Chung-wen Chen, Y.C.K. Chen, Shu-Ying Chang. Firm-level participative leadership and individual-level employee ambidexterity – A multilevel moderated mediation analysis. Leadership & Organization Development Journal (SSCI)
2018 Charismatic leadership in IT firms in Taiwan: an empirical study Which journal 
2017 Yi-Ying Chang, Ian Hodgkinson, Paul Hughes, Che-Yuan Chang. The mediation between participative leadership and employee exploratory innovation: Examining intermediate 'knowledge' mechanisms in Taiwan. Leadership & Organization Development Journal (SSCI)
2016 Yi-Ying Chang, Pia Paulina Junni, Riikka Sarala, Che-Yuan Chang. Corporate venture unit ambidexterity and performance: A dynamic capability perspective Academy of Management Proceedings
2016 Yi-Ying Chang, Wei-Chung Chao, Che-Yuan Chang, Hui-Ru Chi. leadership influence on unit performance: Cross-level moderated mediation evidence Leadership & Organization Development Journal
2016 Chang, Y.-Y. Charismatic leadership in IT firms in Taiwan: an empirical study Asia Pacific Business Review (SSCI)
2015 Messersmith, Jake ( Associate Professor, University of Nweraska-Lincoln), Chang, Y. Y.* (2016 accepted). On the same page: exploring the link between cross-level leadership fit and innovation. Human Performance. (科技部管理一學門推薦期刊, SSCI 5-Year Impact Factor =2.165).
2015 Chang, Y.Y. (2015). A Multilevel Examination of Transformational Leadership on Unit Organizational Ambidexterity. Asia Pacific Business Review (SSCI) (Accepted, forthcoming)
2015 Chang, Y.Y. (2015). Multilevel transformational leadership and management innovation: intermediate linkage evidence. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal (SSCI) (Accepted, forthcoming).
2015 Chang, Y.Y. (2015). A multilevel examination of high-performance work systems and unit-level organisational ambidexterity. Human Resource Management Journal (SSCI, 2013 impact factor: 2.423) DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12061
2015 Chang, Y.Y. (2015). High-Performance Work Systems and Organizational Ambidexterrity: empowerment climate and psychological empowerment as mediators, International Conference on Human Resource Development, Taipei, Taiwan, National Taiwan Normal University.
2015 Chang, Y.Y. (2015). A MULTILEVEL EXAMINATION OF HIGH-PERFORMANCE WORK SYSTEMS AND ORGANIZATIONAL AMBIDEXTERITY, International Business, Economics, Finance and Management Conference, Hokkaido, Japan.
2015 Chang, Y.Y. (2015). A multilevel examination of high-performance work systems and unit-level organisational ambidexterity. Human Resource Management Journal (SSCI, 2013 impact factor: 2.423) DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12061
2015 Chang, Y.Y. (2015 Accepted). High-Performance Work Systems, Joint Impact of Transformational Leadership, an Empowerment Climate and Organizational Ambidexterity: Cross level Evidence, Journal of Organizational Change Management (SSCI).
2014 Chang,Y.Y. and Shen, M-C. (2014). High-Performance Work Systems and Manager’s Ambidexterity: Multilevel Analysis of Network and Trust Process, the 13th New Paradigm Conference, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan (Best Paper Award).
2013 Chang, Y.Y. & Smale, A. (2013). The Transfer of Taiwanese Management Practices to British Subsidiaries: A Diachronic Perspective, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource (SSCI) (forthcoming).
2013 Chang, Y.Y., Smale, A., & Tseng. S. (2013). HRM Transfer and Taiwanese Multinationals in the UK, Cross-Cultural Management: An International Journal (SSCI)(forthcoming)
2013 Cheng, J. W., Chiu, W. L.*, Chang, Y. Y., & Johnstone, S. (2013, Accepted). Do you put your best foot forward? Interactive effects of task performance and impression management tactics on career outcomes. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied. (SSCI Impact Factor = 0.859 in 2011; 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.077)
2012 Cheng, Jen-Wei, Lu, Kuo-Ming, Chang, Y.Y*, Johnstone, S. (2012, Accepted), Voice Behavior and Work Engagement: The Moderating Role of Supervisor-Attributed Motives, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (SSCI, 2010 impact factor= 0.78, * corresponding author)
2011 Chang, Y.Y., Hughes, M., & Hotho, S. (2011). "Internal and External Antecedents of SMEs' Innovation Ambidexterity Outcomes", Management Decision (accepted, SSCI, Impact factor 0.622, 2011)
2011 Chang, Y.Y. and Smale, A. (2011), "Expatriate Characteristics and the Stickiness of HRM Knowledge Transfers", International Journal of Human Resource Management, (forthcoming, SSCI, impact factor 0.869 in 2010).
2011 Chang, Y.Y. and Hughes, M. (2011). "Drivers for Innovation Ambidexterity of Small- to Medium-Sized Firms", European Management Journal (Forthcoming, SSCI)
2010 Chang, Y.Y*, Gong, Y*, and Peng, M. (Accepted) Expatriate knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity, and subsidiary performance, Academy of Management Journal (SSCI, 2010 impact factor 5.25, 5-year impact 10.8) (the first two authors contributed equally and are listed alphabetically)
2009 Chang, Y.Y., Mellahi, K., Wilkinson, A. (2009), Methods of Control and Emerging MNCs in the UK, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(1): 75-95. (SSCI, impact factor 0.830 in 2009)
2007 Chang, Y.Y., Wilkinson, A., Mellahi, K. (2007) HRM Strategies and Emerging Economies MNCs in the UK, European Business Review, 19(5): 404-419.
Conference Papers
2019 The multilevel effects of firm entrepreneurial orientation on business unit radical innovation and financial performance (The 2019 Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, MA)
2019 A multilevel examination of entrepreneurial orientation and corporate entrepreneurship: The joint impact of unit-level social capital and firm-level transformational leadership (The 2019 AAOM TAOM Conference, Bali, Indonesia.)
2018 Corporate venture unit ambidexterity and performance: A dynamic capability perspective (The 2018 Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, IL.)
Firm-level participative leadership, individual-level personal identify, individual-level employee ambidexterity, individual-level coworker social support
Participative leadership, coworker knowledge sharing, absorptive capacity, employee exploratory innovation 
Entrepreneurial orientation and corporate entrepreneurship: Multilevel evidence 
Multilevel high-performance work systems and corporate entrepreneurship: Moderation, mediation and evidence 
2012 Chang, Y.Y. (2012). A Diachronic Perspective of HRM Transfer: Taiwanese Multinationals in the UK, the 39th AIB-UKI conference, University of Liverpool, UK.
2012 Chang, Y.Y. (2012). (Accepted) Transfer of Management Practices in Taiwanese Multinationals in the UK: the 2012 British Academy of Management Conference, Cardiff University.
2012 Chang, Y.Y. (2012). (Accepted) Country of Origin Effect, Country of Management Effect, and HRM Transfer: Taiwanese Multinationals in the UK, the 2012 Euro-Asia Conference, Singapore.
2011 Chang, Y.Y., Gong, YP., Peng, M. (2011). It takes two to tango: joint effects of expatriates competencies to transfer and subsidiary absorptive capacity on subsidiary performance, the 38th AIB-UKI conference, University of Edinburgh.
2011 Cheng, Jen-Wei, Lu, Kuo-Ming, and Chang, Y.Y. (2011). Exploring the linkage between voice behavior, leader-member exchange and work engagement: the moderating role of supervisor-attributed motives, 2011 New Paradigms of Management The 10th Annual Academic Conference, Taipei, Taiwan(best paper reward in Organizational behavior and Human Resource Session).
2010 Chang, Y.Y., Hughes, M., Hotho, S. (2010). Explorative and Exploitative Innovation, Ambidexterity, and Small-to Medium-Sized Firms' Performance, The 17th International Product Development Management Conference, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain.
2010 Chang, Y.Y. and Smale, A. (2010). Expatriates Characteristics and Stickiness in the HRM Knowledge Transfer, The 11th International Human Resource Management Conference, Aston Business School, Birmingham.
2010 Chang, Y.Y. and Branine, M. (2010). Culture, Trust, and The Formation Process and Management of International Strategic Alliances in Developing Market, The 3rd Annual London Business Research Conference (BEST PAPER Award), Imperial College, London.
2009 Chang, Y.Y., Smale, A., Mellahi, K., Wilkinson, A. (2009). The Interplay between the Institutional Environments and Quality of Social Capital. The 36th Academy of International Business-UK, Glasgow Universtiy,Glasgow.
2008 Chang, Y.Y., Wilkinson, A., and Mellahi, K. (2008). Tensions Arising from Process of Transferring HRM Practices Across borders: The case of Taiwanese MNCs in the UK The 35th Academy of International Business-UK, Portsmouth Business School, Porstmouth.
2006 Chang, Y.Y., Wilkinson, A., and Mellahi, K. (2006). Methods of Control and Transferring HRM Strategies and Practices from Emerging MNCs in the UK 25th International Labour Process Conference, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
2005 Chang, Y.Y., Mellahi, K. and Wilkinson, A. (2005). Transferring HRM strategies and practices across borders --- a case study of Taiwanese MNEs in the UK, 24th International Labour Process Conference, Strathclyde Business School, Strathclyde University, Glasgow.
2005 Chang, Y.Y., Wilkinson, A., and Mellahi, K. (2005). A study of Taiwanese MNEs in the UK British Academy of Management, Sa?d Business School, Oxford University.
2005 Chang, Y.Y., Mellahi, K., and Wilkinson, A. (2005). HRM Strategies and Emerging Economies MNCs in the UK--- 3 case studies of Taiwanese MNCs, The 33rd Academy of International Business-UK, Manchester Business School, Manchester
Chapters in books 
2009 Chang, Y.Y., Wilkinson, A., Mellahi, K. (2009). "Tensions Arising from Process of Transferring HRM Practices Across borders: The case of Taiwanese MNCs in the UK", in Contemporary Challenges in International Business, Ibeh, K.and Davies, S. (eds),Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstok.
2009 Chang, Y.Y. (2009). "Subsidiary Responses to Institutional Pressures: Diversity Practices of Taiwanese MNCs in the UK", in Creativity, Competence, and Corporate Responsibility: Knowledge Transfer in a Changing World", Hotho, S. and Juerke, E.(eds), University of Abertay Dundee, Dundee.
  Research projects 
2019 動態創業能力的前因與績效以及調節機制的跨層次研究. 專題研究計畫 (自由型擴充加值(add-on)國際合作研究計畫), 計畫主持人
2019 多層次研究公司人力資源管理措施, 個人雙歧與組織雙歧. 專題研究計畫 (自由型擴充加值(add-on)國際合作研究計畫), 計畫主持人
2019 動態創業能力的前因與績效以及調節機制的跨層次研究. 延攬科技人才 (延攬博士後研究人才), 計畫主持人
2018 多層次研究公司人力資源管理措施, 個人雙歧與組織雙歧. 延攬科技人才 (延攬博士後研究人才), 計畫主持人
2018 2018 Academy of Management Annual Conference. 補助國內專家學者出席國際學術會議, 計畫主持人
2018 動態創業能力的前因與績效以及調節機制的跨層次研究 (3 Years Project). 專題研究計畫, 計畫主持人
2017 多層次研究公司人力資源管理措施, 個人雙歧與組織雙歧 (2 Years Project). 專題研究計畫, 計畫主持人
2017 短訪計畫 (邀請國際科技人士短期訪問), 計畫主持人
2015 轉換型領導的契合, 部門公司創業家精神,與部門績效 (1 Year Project). 專題研究計畫, 計畫主持人
2014 跨層次檢驗數位融合促成科技業的組織雙歧 (1 Year Project). 專題研究計畫 (產學合作研究計畫-應用型), 計畫主持人
2013 Chang, Y.Y. (2013-2015). " Multilevel Examination of Transformational Leadership on Management Innovation ". Funded by t the National Science Council of Taiwan (國科會專題研究計畫 NSC. 101-2410-H-011 -011 -MY3). (Young Talent Scholar Grant, 3 Years Project)
201 -2014 Chang, Y.Y. (2012-2014). "吸收能力的前置管理因素與前置組織因素以及對組織績效的多層次研究". Funded by t the National Science Council of Taiwan (國科會專題研究計畫 NSC. 101-2410-H-011 -011 -MY3). (3 Years Project)
2011 促成組織雙歧創新管理的方法績效效應: 台灣與中國大陸企業的過程長期實證研究. 專題研究計畫 (新進人員研究計畫). 
2010 Chang, Y.Y. (2010). " Antecedents and consequences of process ambidexterity ". Funded by t the National Science Council of Taiwan (國科會專題研究計畫 NSC. NSC 100-2410-H-011 -001)
2009 Chang, Y.Y. (2009). "Supporting Small Firm Growth Strategies in the New Creative Industries: Management Capabilities and Organisational Structures for Innovation". Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the UK.
2009 Chang, Y.Y. (2009). "A Multilevel Perspective of knowledge Transfer: The case of New Multinationals". Funded by the Carnegie Trust, Scotland.
2009 Chang, Y.Y. (2009). "Knowledge Flows and MNC Performance: The Role of Subsidiaries' Capabilities". Funded by the Carnegie Trust, Scotland
2008 Chang, Y.Y. (2008). Knowledge Transfer and HRM from Newly Industrialised Economies Multinationals". Funded by the Carnegie Trust, Scotland.
Honors and Awards
2024 2024 World’s Top 2% Scientists 
Education / Professional Experiences
2023 – International Journal of Management Reviews (British Academy main funding council journal, sister journal of British Journal of Management, SSCI, Q1), Associate Editor, 2023 –
2021 ICIS Conference (Main conference for Management Science [國科會管理一學門推薦期刊]and Information Management Society), Associate editor, 2021
2019 – British Journal of Management (國科會管理一學門推薦期刊) (British Academy main funding council journal), Editorial board member, 2019 –
2019 – International Journal of Human Resource Management (國科會管理一學門推薦期刊), Associate editor, 2019 –
2019- Associate Editor at the International Journal of Human Resource Management (SSCI,科技部管理一學門推薦期刊) (2019-current)
2018- Editorial Board in the British Journal of Management (SSCI,科技部管理一學門推薦期刊) (2018 - current)
2017- Editorial Board in the Human Resource Management Journal (SSCI) (2017-current)
PhD in  Loughborough University, UK
2014 – Human Resource Management Journal (SSCI, Q1), Editorial board member, 2014 –